Parents Association
This group, which includes all enrolled parents, helps to create a sustainable community through social events, fundraising, and support of day-to-day operations. The PA Chair and Co-Chairs energize, oversee and assist other committees and one staff member serves as the liaison between the PA and Board of Trustees.
Here are the teams and volunteer possibilities under the umbrella of our Harmony Parent’s Association:
Share Hours – Organize, inform, monitor, provide opportunities, and assist Harmony families in fulfilling share hours opportunities.
Social Committee – Organize events to bring students and families together. These include Coffee Hours, Bowling Days, All-School picnics, clothing exchanges, mentoring of incoming families, acknowledging births in the HMS community with cards and meals, and other activities.
Mentoring – Strengthen the connection between new families and the Harmony community by pairing these parents with returning families, then providing continuing support through the school year (phone calls, letters, play dates, group gatherings, etc).
Staff Appreciation – Acknowledge staff birthdays, organize occasional “treats” or luncheons for staff, and coordinate mid-year and end-of-year gifts for teachers.
Classroom Support – Help with classroom events, laundry, sewing projects, shopping for snacks, milk, and other supplies, classroom materials prep, clean bathrooms. and miscellaneous errands.
Raffle/Auction – Plan, organize and run HMS’s annual Raffle/Auction fundraiser. Sub-teams work together to procure Raffle or Auction donations, secure an event venue, plan and execute the event, and follow up with Thank You’s.
Other Fundraising – Help with organizing restaurant nights, catalog fundraiser, and other occasional fundraising activities.
Scrip Support – Coordinate pick up and delivery of scrip, find volunteers to sell scrip in the hall and at some school events. Find new and creative ways to promote the sale of scrip.